Very first in Phuket: Silent Party
Unique party experience where all guests are wearing specially designed wireless glowing headphones. Up to 3 Live DJs battling for the attention of the party-goers. Ability to switch between up to three genres of music
What is a Silent Party?
Our team works passionately everyday to provide you with the best service
What's Included
Villa, resort, hotel etc
(Up to 3 DJs at the same time)
Light Equipment
Colourful lamps, laser, parleds & more
For signal transmission
WiFi Headphones
(up 100 pieces)
Sound Equipment
Professional sound equipment: controller, speakers & more
Photos and Videos
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask us. We are open to your feedback and look forward to answering any questions you might have.
Since 2013.
All rights reserved